A photographers blog

Hi there everybody who follows my work at Tass.dk

Im Tass. I shoot people. Not assassin style, but with a lot of preparation and aquitment.

Im a photographer…a photo shooter. And i love my job!

First of all thanks for following and reading this. Its no secret im not used to write about myself or my work.
I would by far reather hear about you! Whats you interest in photography, pictures and visual content?

And if you could ask me enything what would your Q be? Here is your chance. I will do my best answering.
In the future i will put up content concerning the work of a pro photographer.

Essues around this

Tips and how to’s…

Behind the scenes…

What i see and what you see…

So stay tuned and let me know what content you want to hear about


Skærmbillede 2020-01-12 kl. 09.06.14.png